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Education programming

Values, Family, Growth

In Shevet Agam we believe that by providing our campers with life long skills and values like respect, responsibility, and others we are preparing them for the rest of their lives. We give them tools to develop their identity and to think beyond themselves; be part of something bigger. 

Those skills, however, are not acquired over the course of a day. They take some work and hands-on learning. That is why we developed our yearly "Maslool" or yearly track. A core value, trait, or course that each grade puts in the center of their activities. 

We welcome you to read below about each grade's program and activity topics for this upcoming year!

Each grade is different, and so is each group and that is why not every topic listed in the below programs is executed each year. Our counselors react actively to their group's social dynamic and to their interests. However, every activity marks a learning tool and takes our participants through their yearly journey.

3rd Grade


4th Grade


5th Grade


Their Maslool

Coming into the "neurim" (becoming part of the older grades).

In the United States, 6th graders experience the transition to middle school, a new environment where they are suddenly the youngest. 

In order to empower them and help them feel capable, the chanichim in this grade go through a year revolving around self-development that allow them to get involved in the circle of the older grades. 

The emphasis through this year is on the transition from childhood to adulthood. 

7th Grade


8th Grade


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